Wednesday, March 6, 2013

the day when i finally stop reading novels~

reading was not in my favorite list..that's the reason why i chose architecture and not law..

i was 11 years old when i first introduced to malay novels by a good friend of mine..i still remember going to her house and amazed with the novels collection that her mother displayed on the shelves..YES! mak dia suka baca novel jugokkk..(mak dia suka bogatt dalam novel tu :D) and i got to borrow n read for free..yeyyy! u know..i was very young and rm30-50 for a piece of novel was a lot of money to a 11 years old girl! or may be..just for me! hehe kalau hilang mahu luka telinga my friend kena leter..(kot)

i was raised believing that the things that they wrote in the novel was real and hoping that one day i could marry a perfect man/guy they portrayed..hehe koya! me and my other friend kalau tgk novel baru yang other friend bawak (ke sekolah..mind u!)..mesti berebut..but i always let my friend read it 1st as..she could read real fast! mcm scanner i tell u! hehe as i grew up tu..i met few ppl..i kept comparing every guys (mcm banyak la kan haha) with the character that i read in the novels tak sempat couple lg..dah reject sb gelak secara pelik la..baju berbau la..cara jalan huduh la..makan dgn pelahap la dan sebagainya hehe..dalam kepala tu mcm ada satu list besar..time tgk benda2 yang x suka mcm ada satu tanda 'X' yang kedua 'XX' ketiga REJECTED! hehe my elder sister selalu remindkan..there is no such guy ok! wake up! even my friend teman di-sisi pun cakap i am a melancholic who believe in fairy tales..setuju! hehe lagi..i was living in a 'happy-ever-after-world' for soooo long! one day..i finally realized (after a longgg search!) that kind of perfect guy..NOT EXISTS! wake up! slap2 my face sikit! penat la kena tipu kt novel i stop reading the novels when but i kept believing one day i would meet s1 who is perfect in my eyes (Alhamdulillah!)  

well..i watched sehangat asmara last night and i got the idea to blog it down..sooo not me as im not the one who like to wait in front of the tv waiting for my favorite programs..i hate routinized life! mmm..i read this novel when i was 15 kot..or 16..tak ingat but long time ago..(tudung rita rudaini caught my eyes! nk cari kt mana yer?) i could say kalau novel yang di moviekan selalunya feeling tu kurang time i read the novel tu..part yang dia sedih kena tinggal tu sgt menghibakan..boleh nangis kalau baca ok! clap clap to the writer! :D tp faham la kan..kalau dia tiru sebijik dalam novel tu mesti dah jadi soap opera yang 100++ episodes..tak larat nk tgk!

note: pesanan my elder sister yang i still and will always remember..perempuan baik adalah untuk lelaki baik and vice versa..pesanan saya: sila jaga diri sendiri sebaik mungkin untuk mendapat pasangan sebaik anda! hehe

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